Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is an herb from the aster family that can grow up to a meter tall. It has an intense, distinctive odor and feathery, dark green leaves. Tansy flowers are small and form flat, yellow flower heads. It is quite common in Poland and other European countries. It can also be found in Asian countries. Tansy grows wild, often along country roads and in roadside ditches, but it is also cultivated in gardens. Its flowers contain valuable essential oils and flavonoids.
Tansy has been valued for its medicinal properties since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, it gained popularity in monastery gardens, where monks used it to prepare various remedies. In Poland, it was used in folk medicine as a universal remedy for many ailments.

Health Properties of Tansy

has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects
has antispasmodic and antiparasitic properties - reduces bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort and effectively combats parasites present in the human body such as human roundworm or pinworm
has antiseptic properties
improves the condition of hair and skin, helps with seborrhea, excessive scalp oiliness, and dandruff, and also deals with lice
contains numerous antioxidants that accelerate the healing processes of damaged tissues, including those changed by herpes
supports sinuses - reduces the frequency of infections and inflammations
tansy infusion improves blood flow and stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones, which positively affects libido
due to its intense aroma, tansy is often used in aromatherapy - it has calming properties and can contribute to stress reduction
acts as a natural repellent for ticks and mosquitoes, as well as flies, midges, ants, aphids, moths, and spiders
used in horticulture as a remedy for soil pests

☘️Join us for part 2, where you will find recipes for valuable products made from tansy.