Currently, tansy is less commonly used in medicine. It should be noted that despite the valuable properties of this plant, many side effects can occur. Excessive use can lead to liver and kidney damage. It can be dangerous for people allergic to plants in the aster family, as well as for pregnant women, as tansy has abortifacient properties.

However, as mentioned earlier, tansy has found a variety of applications in the garden and household.

With this plant, we can combat pests such as Colorado potato beetles, flies, aphids, ants, mosquitoes, ticks, or moths. Preparations from tansy can be used in spring to spray trees and shrubs and destroy overwintering pests such as spider mites and aphid eggs.

The use of remedies from this plant can also reduce the occurrence of plant diseases such as powdery mildew and rust. A bouquet of tansy leaves is a good way to keep flies and wasps away. Bunching this plant in gauze can be hung between garments to keep moths away. Essential oil can be made from tansy flowers, which effectively repels insects, especially mosquitoes and ticks.

When looking for suitable personal protection against insects, such as when walking in the woods, it is advisable to rub tansy petals on the skin. Placing some plants on the balcony will effectively deter insects and make it difficult for them to enter the apartment.

Home remedies from tansy

Manure: 1 kg of fresh, chopped tansy leaves are poured with 10 liters of water and left to ferment for about 14-20 days, stirring once a day. After fermentation is complete, the preparation is clear and stops foaming. When applied undiluted, manure fights soil insects, wireworms, nematodes, and other soil-dwelling pests, while when diluted in a ratio of 1:15, it represents effective control of aphids and Colorado potato beetles.

Extract: 300 g of fresh tansy herb or 30 g of dried herb is placed in 10 liters of water and stirred occasionally. After 24 hours and diluting 1:2 with water, spray the plants against onion flies, aphids, cabbage white butterfly caterpillar, fruit fly, and pine sawfly. The extract also combats plant diseases such as rust and powdery mildew. Note that tansy extract must be used on the day of its preparation or the next day. It is not suitable for storage. Any unused portion can be left to ferment as manure if necessary.

Infusion: 300 g of fresh herb or 30 g of dried herb is added to 10 liters of boiling water. After cooling and diluting at a ratio of 1:2, spray against carrot flies and sawflies.

Decoction: 500 g of crushed herb or 75 g of dried herb is soaked in 10 liters of water and soaked for 24 hours. Then boil for 20 minutes. After cooling, strain. Dilute with water at a ratio of 1:5 before use. The decoction can be used preventively and in case of occurrence of powdery mildew and rust. When growing strawberries, the decoction helps in the fight against strawberry spider mites and gall mites.

Gardeners who do not have time to prepare homemade tansy remedies can buy a ready-made product, namely: Bros Natural Tansy Extract. This is a natural preparation made from tansy, which creates unfavorable conditions for the life and nutrition of soil pests such as wireworms, gall midges, wireworms, and others. It is produced by fermenting tansy with the bacteria Lactobacillus and Bacillus. It has been approved for use in organic farming.