Until the end of November, we can fertilize apple, pear, and plum trees. After the fruiting period, they will need a replenishment of nutrients, which manure can provide. Autumn fertilization is aimed at preparing the plants for winter and giving them a better start in spring growth. Manure is not applied to plants every year, but it's good to apply it under fruit trees once every 2-3 years.

Manure Provides Essential Nutrients

If possible, fresh manure is applied to plants during autumn fertilization. Cow manure is best, but horse, poultry, or rabbit manure will also work. With the latter two types of manure, it's important not to overdo the amount. Natural poultry and rabbit manures contain a relatively high amount of nutrients, so they don't need to be applied in large quantities.

Alternatively, plants can be fertilized with granulated manure for the garden. Dried granules are a fully organic fertilizer without any chemical additives or fillers. If fresh manure is not available, granulated manure is an excellent substitute. Granulated manure is free from weed seeds, pathogens, harmful bacteria, and viruses. It doesn't have an unpleasant odor and allows for easy autumn fertilization.

Fertilizing with Manure – Step by Step

Before spreading the manure, we remove the weeds growing around the trunk and eliminate any other vegetation. Then, we spread the natural or granulated manure on the prepared soil. In the case of granulated manure, it's crucial to mix the granules with the soil. This reduces the risk of the manure being eaten by insects after swelling.

The amount of manure should be adjusted according to the age of the fertilized plant. Fruit trees up to 3 years old are fertilized with a few handfuls of manure. Older plants require a larger amount of manure due to their more extensive root system and greater demand for nutrients. After fertilization, the soil does not need to be watered. Autumn rains and snow in winter will do this work for us.

Autumn Fertilization of Fruit Trees

Applying manure in autumn allows plants enough time to absorb the nutrients contained in it. The treatment also has a positive effect on the soil, which is better prepared for the next growing season. Manure effectively supplements deficiencies of trace elements in the soil and improves the condition of plants after the fruiting period. It's important to remember not to use manure every year.