Three-lobed almond - a beautiful shrub or tree that is quite common in our country. Yes, it smells so beautiful and blooms at the turn of April and May.

🌸Original Blossoms

The blossoms of the almond tree are nearly sessile, full, with a diameter of 2-5 cm. They are usually arranged singly or in pairs along the entire length of last year's branches. Initially, they are dark pink in bud, gradually taking on a pink hue at full bloom, then fading to a pale pink as they wither. Their appearance resembles small, full "roses". The plant usually blooms in the 2nd or 3rd year after planting, although sometimes flowers may appear even in the nursery age. The almond tree can be planted singly or in groups, adding a special charm to any garden. It looks particularly attractive as a tree-lined avenue.

🌸The Almond Tree Likes Sun and Good Nutrition

The almond tree requires a warm, sunny location as well as fertile soil.

🌸Does the Almond Tree Need Pruning?

Immediately after flowering, all shoots above the third bud are cut, counted from their base. In summer, buds form on the newly grown shoots, which will bloom next spring. Therefore, the crown of the almond tree is restored each year.

🌸Grafting the Almond Tree

The almond tree is usually propagated by budding on a plum-Alycz stem, which unfortunately often produces numerous root shoots that can choke the almond tree. If they occur at the base of the stem, they should be immediately removed by cutting them at the base. To achieve a very impressive form of the tree, grafting is performed at a certain height of the Alycz stem or other available rootstocks.